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YEAR 1818

Ebenezer Henderson was a Scottish missionary who travelled around Iceland in the years 1814–15, with the main objective to distribute a new edition of the Bible. His account is very different from the earlier harsh judgments of the character of Icelanders. Henderson finds them generally hospitable and intelligent and finds a lot about them to admire, including their piety. He is even more impressed with the landscape, saying that extraordinary phenomena are so common that, “It is impossible for a stranger to take a single step in Iceland, without having some uncommon object of this description presented to his view” (1818, p. X). His book, Iceland or the Journal of a Residence in that Island During the Years 1814 and 1815, contained a map, Iceland, done by the father and son duo, the Lizars. What is new on this map is that the Westfords have correctly been moved southward. The downside is that it is done in such a way that the “neck” is way too thick, more than double what it should be. The map was reprinted in the second edition of the book, in 1819; it is the same except the route of Henderson has been drawn on it. In 1831, an abridged version of the Journal was published in Boston. It is accompanied by a map that is different at first glance, mainly because of its lighter background, but it is very similar to the second edition map, with the addition of routes on it.

Technical data






Ebenezer Henderson, Daniel Lizars, William Home Lizars


21,1 x 31,8 cm.
